Interferon experience

My experiences as a melanoma survivor

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Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Week 18 - Just had to share this...

Very short post this week… I just had to share this with everyone / show off!

As mentioned a while back, I have been working on my diet. I have had a few sessions with a dietician, and have been working hard at improving my diet. I figured that this was one way in which I can give the Interferon the best chance of doing its work. Being healthy cannot help but improve my situation.

I started with my eating plan around the first week of June. My objective was to reduce weight, and get rid of this spare tire around my middle. I have been tracking my weight on a daily basis, and as you can see from the graph, my weight is steadily going down.

One of the results is that my waist size has gone down by about 5 cm so far, and I can see the impact in my clothes. I have moved down a few notches on my belts, and I can see that I will have to alter some clothes when I reach my new target weight. I had some jeans in my cupboard which have been too tight for the last few years, and now they fit me comfortably!

I also notice that the side effects of the Interferon seem to have reduced. I’m not sure if this is because of the weight loss, and improved health, or just that my body is getting more used to the IF. I am sleeping better, and don’t feel nearly so foggy the day after each injection.

I am trying to keep up with regular exercise as well. This means getting to the gym 2-3 times week, and walking my dogs every afternoon. Still feel light-headed whenever I stand up quickly, but as soon as my heart rate picks up that goes away.

Lastly, my digestion has improved. I eat lots of vegetables and fruit, and eat fish or legumes for lunch every day. I suppose it is fortunate that I enjoy all these fruits, salads, etc.


Blogger Miss Melanoma said...

I am so impressed! You're a very good example for all of us not paying attention at the back of the class...


10:56 AM  

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