Interferon experience

My experiences as a melanoma survivor

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Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

Friday, May 26, 2006

Week 7-8 - How to get up in the morning

It’s cold in Johannesburg. Minimum this morning was -1.0°C. Cold and dry, with a lovely bright blue sky. Fortunately the wind is not blowing…. And I just feel rotten! Nasty stuff, this interferon: We inject a much larger amount than the body produces, and the whole concoction probably introduces additional poisons. No wonder I feel like shit.

I rather stretched things this week. On Monday afternoon I had a good session at the gym – Feeling more normal, good to work the muscles and get my heart rate up. Then home for a nice hot shower and feel all virtuous. But Monday evening is injection time again. I was probably too optimistic – woke up in the middle of the night feeling sweaty and panicky.

And then Thursday I had rather a long day. After working a couple of hours at my desk I went off to a late afternoon professional meeting. This was interesting and reminds me that I must keep getting out and meeting people, in my business networking is critical to getting future work! But after that I went to my club committee meeting, and that took another 3 hours. By the time I got home I was feeling tired and stressed –obviously trying to do too much.

So this morning I really did not feel like getting out of bed. J went off to work as usual, leaving me to decide what I would do. I am very methodical about eating, so I made some breakfast, and then read the newspaper. I’m trying to describe how I feel: A little low, muscles aching a little; a general feeling of lethargy. Am I feeling ill? Will I feel better if I get up, get dressed and do something? Or will I just feel worse? I listened to the radio and snoozed for a while.

At some point I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself, got up, got dressed, shaved, brushed my teeth, made the bed, cleared away the newspapers, and stacked everything in the dishwasher. And I feel much better. This is the pattern: Although one feels bad from the continuous effects of the interferon, it is definitely better to get up and moving about. So I have some minutes to write (tedious), and about a dozen telephone calls to make, people to chase. And I must get the humidifier out of storage, clean it up and see if it still works… The weather is suddenly so dry that there is static everywhere, and I wake up with a very dry throat.

And I need to get the swimming pool cover out of storage, and get some volunteers to help me to put it out. Then I don't need to think about the pool until at least September.


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