Interferon experience

My experiences as a melanoma survivor

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Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

Friday, August 11, 2006

Week 19 – Do as I say, not as I do!

This has not been a good week. Last weekend I went shopping, and went out for lunch. Probably was not careful enough with my eating. I am making very slow progress on my project to repair my antenna, and it has been bugging me. So on Sunday I did a lot of sanding, and then painting… A couple of hours work. By the evening I didn’t feel so good, and hit the hay very early.

Monday I felt a bit down, but attended a business meeting, and then had lunch with a friend in Pretoria. It really hit home on Tuesday: Muscular aches and pains which didn’t go away. Wednesday was a holiday, and I got up late. Thursday I just didn’t feel good, so I took it easy, reading. Today was the first day I felt back to “normal”, whatever that might be, and I managed to get to the gym.

When will I learn? I know that I need to be careful about not doing too much. It seems OK at the time, but it catches up with me about 2-3 days later, and then takes a day or two to recover.

I had a set of bloods taken about three weeks back. The oncologist did not call me, so I suppose that was good news. But I was digging through my files, and found some previous path. reports, so I thought it may be interesting to compare ‘before’ and ‘during’ pictures. The figures show that all of my bloods have been well within the correct ranges for some years. However, now that I am on interferon there are some noticeable effects: Haemoglobin, Red cell count, White cell count, Neutrophils and Platelet counts have all dropped. Here are a couple of graphs to show the figures.

The Haemoglobin figure should be between 14 and 18, so mine is now a little on the low side.
White cell count should be between 4 and 10. Definitely lower than it should be...

I called the oncologist and discussed the latest figures. I wanted to know whether the drops were serious, and what I should do about it. Generally they are not worried, but agreed that I should improve the iron in my diet. Also, in view of the lowered white cell count, they suggest I should avoid concentrations of people, in order to avoid picking up infections and viruses!

I wonder why they didn’t talk to me until I asked?


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